*****CHAPTER - II *****
Master Mermus told those five about the fall of a legendary city of all times, the Atlantis. Once Atlantis was ruled by a great king and queen, Mires and Gillian. They are the parents of princess Charmian. At their rule Atlantis became famous and glorious of all the mercities of the 7 seas. Atlantis became the core for all the proceedings of the council of Sea lords and centre for the eternal and sacred power of the Poseidon, The god of seas. Sea lords united their power in a Crystal, a Book and a Trident and presented to Atlantians. Mires made a team of five warriors to protect those three sources. Those five are none other than him, his friends Crowlus, Mermus, Gillian and crowlus sister, Gitana. They were presented with five powerful pearls which contain the strength and magic of the first five emperors ruled the Atlantis and which will made them stronger and mighty warrior squad of 7 seas.
But soon Crowlus and Gitana turn to dark side. With the help of a dark demon Riplash whose bones got a long life they are tried to stolen the three sources. They have raised the army of Leachers and siege the city.
In that great battle, Mires and Gillian gave their lives to protect the sources. Their effort is partially succeeded. The Book of elders has divided into two pieces, Dark book and Gold book. The Trident is gone somewhere. With the sacrifice of Gillian Crystal is enchanted and hidden some where in the city and by its power Crowlus and Gitana turned into stones.
After all this mess, the sea lords ordered Mermus to leave the city, built a new one and hide from the dark forces. They told him a prophecy “One day Atlantis will restore again by the united effort of five chosen warriors of both from inside and outside worlds of sea. Out of those you have one”.
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