Every day in the world 35 billians of mails are moving .Out of which 75% are spam only.
Tiger sharks will eat each other when they were in Mother shark's stomach and
ultimately survivied will came out.
George Bush was acted as a Cheerleader ones in his young age.
The Great roman emperaror Juliar Ceaser is a Histeria Patiant
The biggest family in "YAKUZAA" (The famous Japanese mafia) is Yamaguchigumi.It contains 39000 members and 750 clans.Its headquerters situated at the city of Koba
Benjiman franklin has 16 Brothers and Sisters.
Karate means "Man without weapon"
It takes nearly 10 lakh years to glass to be united in the earth.So it could be recycled many times.
The first Serial Killer in the history is "LIA PENGLI" (the brother of Emparor Jing).He killed more than 100 people in between 144-121 B.C just for Fun.
The Golden Age Queen ELIGIBETH 's pet name is Lilybet.It was choosen by her Grandfather 'King George-V '.
The official Car of American President is "CADILOK-I".
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